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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Amazing New Cycler and Paid Downline Builder

Have you ever wished you could join a program with a pre-built PAID downline.


Follow My Lead is a unique 2 x 2 accumulating cycler and downline builder that provides you with a pre-built paid downline even before you enter a program.

Even FREE Follow My Lead members generate income to enter paid programs.

Amazing Accumulating Cycler

With the Follow My Lead 2 x 2 Accumulating Cycler you earn an ever increasing commission each time you cycle to infinity.

Accumulating Cycler Example.

Cycle 1 - You earn $10 for every member in your downline
Cycle 2 - You earn $20 for every member in your downline
Cycle 3 - You earn $40 for every member in your downline
Cycle 4 - You earn $80 for every member in your downline
Cycle 5 - You earn $120 for every member in your downline

Each time you cycle your commission per member double to infinity. The great thing is that you do not have to wait until you cycle to get paid. Follow My Lead pays every week on accumulated commission for each member signed up in the week.

JOIN the Pre-Launch FREE - TODAY!

I look forward to welcoming you to my FML Team.

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Financial Freedom Headline Animator

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