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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Amazing New Cycler and Paid Downline Builder

Have you ever wished you could join a program with a pre-built PAID downline.


Follow My Lead is a unique 2 x 2 accumulating cycler and downline builder that provides you with a pre-built paid downline even before you enter a program.

Even FREE Follow My Lead members generate income to enter paid programs.

Amazing Accumulating Cycler

With the Follow My Lead 2 x 2 Accumulating Cycler you earn an ever increasing commission each time you cycle to infinity.

Accumulating Cycler Example.

Cycle 1 - You earn $10 for every member in your downline
Cycle 2 - You earn $20 for every member in your downline
Cycle 3 - You earn $40 for every member in your downline
Cycle 4 - You earn $80 for every member in your downline
Cycle 5 - You earn $120 for every member in your downline

Each time you cycle your commission per member double to infinity. The great thing is that you do not have to wait until you cycle to get paid. Follow My Lead pays every week on accumulated commission for each member signed up in the week.

JOIN the Pre-Launch FREE - TODAY!

I look forward to welcoming you to my FML Team.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Free Profits, Free List Builder, Free Matrix Entrance!

The name of this new program is NitroList where every member
can advertise and earn $122,070.30 for FREE!

At NitroList You get an instant mailing list to send
your email Ads periodically and a Free Forced Matrix
position in the Free Matrix.

  The FULL FREE 5x10  Matrix grant a $122,070.30 Income! 

...And that's NOT COUNTING Your $0.05 FOR EACH member referred!

The List is adding up very fast, so You get big exposure
of your email ads immediately!

Do Not wait too long - join TODAY!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Just wanted to inform you of a new program launched minutes ago that has us all VERY excited

We have came to the conclusion that we are TIRED of joining all theses programs with admins full of greed and ill intention. So we decided to create a REAL opportunity, Not just another matrix. or cycler. or 2up this or 3 down that program. So heres what we have made..
The name of the site is Power2Share
What this program does is create a PROFIT SHARE with the CubieCollective and other sites we will also be adding to our network of profit sharing sites. In which we are distributing our profits with our investors.
Even the sale of these shares are considered network income and we are paying 97% of EVERY DOLLAR EVENLY to the ENTIRE PROFIT SHARE.. So.. ZERO. ABSOLUTELY ZERO. NOT A SINGLE REFERRED PERSON IS REQUIRED TO EARN!!!! You own a position in the ENTIRE PROFIT SHARE.. So of course te first ones in will earn from the following ones that join .. Referred or NOT
Basically you can purchase positions in this profit share. The MORE POSITIONS YOU EARN THE LARGER YOUR SHARE OF NETWORK EARNINGS YOU RECEIVE.

Visit the link below to check it out.

Click Here For Fast Cash!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I just had to tell you about this great site I just found.

Check it out for yourself at HERE!

We all want to earn a little money online, but the big programs cost sooo much!
With the cost is only $2 (plus fees). sustains the growth of the system by charging this every month. BUT... this is not a monthly upgrade fee for your account... you get an ADDITIONAL position every month with your new $2!

Fill your small 3x2 matrix and you cycle. When you cycle... you earn cash, you get a FREE new position in the same level and you also get a FREE position in your next level up!

Refer others and you also earn a 100% Matching Bonus when your personal referrals cycle! WOW - that can really add up!
When they cycle they also earn FREE entries back into the same and higher level of matrix IN YOUR DOWNLINE!

Cycle at certain levels and you also get FREE positions in other outside programs to increase your number of income streams!

Who cannot afford $2? Especially for the possibility for huge ongoing returns!

468X60 banner 2

Monday, October 4, 2010

Top Level Position

Top Level Position and 'New Great Opportunity' free and automatic!

Now that it's 'in prelaunch until 31 October and' Seize the Moment of the Moment Instantly Enrolling to not only not pay anything at all, but You will be positioned in a Forced Matrix, where the new members will be automatically placed under you!

Before you sign up and More 'people will have under you, people whom you can earn Figures also very high!

The company has entrusted the organization of its exclusive marketing system top experts in the world: it 's a great success!

Further details will be branched in the days to come: and now 'but' the time for action and enroll immediately in order to acquire its position in Structure II.

I am writing only 8 hours ago 'and have already' under me more 'than 400 persons, and persons for whom no' was entered by me: INCREDIBLE!

 If you want you could also decide to invite friends and acquaintances with your referral link, link you'll find inside your private area: most 'people will enroll in the world and will be more gains!

 Do not delay YET: SIGN UP NOW HERE! Top Level Position

 Are you skeptical?
Think for a moment:
register does not cost you anything, you will not be 'required no credit card number, however, receive members under you whatever you will personally present zero, ten or a thousand ...


 If at the end of the prelaunch you'll start earning made "the deal of a lifetime" if you will not earn 'groped still cost nothing ...


 Before you sign up and More 'People You See Below You!

IMPORTANT: After registration, remember to login to the site at least once a day. Satisfy a requirement and you will see small growing out your Property Staff!

TopLevelPosition and 'in English, but you know things are pochisime and everything' very intuitive.

FOR HAVING THE MOST SUCCESSFUL SEND YOUR referral link to friends and acquaintances: You can earn even more '!

Do not delay YET: SIGN UP NOW HERE Top Level Position

After clicking here you will open 'the introduction page of this opportunity'.
To register and get Your Privileged Posizone you must click on the text in red "Join"

Fill in the form of open enrollment:

You're done! We will open 'a confirmation page like the image below and receive summary data (including username and password) by email.

to connect to the private area using the following link:

On the page that will open 'enter Member ID (the username you chose when you registered) and password (also selected during registration) and click the "Login"

Here's what you'll find the reserved area and its significance:
1) The ratio of registered members under you (as in automatic)
2) The members personally presented to you through your referral link
3) Form from the website to send an email to friends and acquaintances with your referral link
4) the administration area of your site's personal sponsorship, namely 'that will open' to your friends when you click your referral link.

Now here is a guide to using the administration area of your site's personal sponsorship: accessing it you will face a mask with:

- Website name: from here you can change the name of your username, ie 'the last part of your referral link

- Website Settings: from here you can decide which of your details to appear on the site that your friends will see after clicking your referral link: you can bring up the name-surname and email, you can bring up one name-last name (deleting your email address in the box below) you can bring up only your email address (by deleting the name-surname from the box above), it can not bring up 'the one it' the other is name-erasing last name email address.
BN: so that 'the changes are applied must always press the button marked "Submit".

- Website Link Email: fill out this form you can send an email to friends and acquaintances with your referral link and an accompanying message

- View My Website: you will see your site sponsorship, the one that your friends will access by clicking your referral link.

THIS 'Everything you need' to know about this unique opportunity '!

FOR HAVING THE MOST SUCCESSFUL SEND YOUR referral link to friends and acquaintances: You can earn even more '!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

New Trading Platform Net Penny Stocks

 Discover the secrets of.Trade-in  or AutoInvest
that has made BILLIONS of Dollars for 1000's of people worldwide.  Best  part about it all, our  system will continue to make  Billions of Dollars
for the rest of your life!

EARN US $500 to $5,000 - daily - .depending our investments strategies, market conditions, volatility  and all out gains we make!

Growing Every Week,  Funds Paid Directly To Your  Account!. Access your funds worldwide via Offshore ATM Debit Cards or wire funds direct to your Bank a/c 
Daily Payouts!
Affordable - 1¢ STOCKS
AutoInvest  15 - 20 shares online is a breeze...  cost
   each your net  investment !
   GAIN  2,975%   
        Earn  US$500 ~ 5,000    Funds are automatically
           transferred to your account - 24 hours a day 7 days
           a week
-  access your funds worldwide.
        You are 100% safe, whether the markets moves Up
           or Down -  You have only to gain, nothing to loose!
   Simple & Easy!

Q. Who can participate?
A. The Membership is FREE! We accept members from all over the world,
irrespective of their citizenship or income.

. NetPennyStocks - is it some kind of HYIP or FOREX / STOCKS Trading site?

A. Absolutely NOT! This is neither a Trading nor a HYIP site. Though we term it as a Virtual Stocks, that is
the moment you invest you lock in your position into our 3x12 matrix to earn residual income through our
continually growing downline of ongoing investors - and numerous bulk investments.
Q. YES! What are 'Virtual Shares' & why your site looks like a Trading webpage anyway?
A. We all have burned our fingers trading Forex & Stocks, or simply put, it's just 'Greek' for most of us though,
hence we decided to have Virtual Shares feels like a trading site, yet incorporating a powerful 3x12 matrix
into our system.
AutoInvest +Promote: Earn Money!
Surprisingly it is NOT the
members, ... that
makes your downline....

It's yours & your downline members
multi - investments that makes
your downline & levels!

This is totally a new concept whereby
your downline grows with investments...
and so does your passive income!

get paid bigger amounts.
This is Guaranteed To Appeal
everyday people
to -
Enjoy a
Get Your Shares
. Weekly!
Level 3x12 COM Amount
1 3 0.10 0.30
2 9 0.10 0.90
3 27 0.10 2.70
4 81 0.05 4.05
5 243 0.05 12.15
6 729 0.05 36.45
7 2187 0.10 218.70
8 6561 0.05 328.05
9 19683 0.05 984.15
10 59049 0.05 2,952.45
11 177147 0.10 17,714.70
12 531441 0.15 79,716.15

US$ 101,970.75
Our patented technology 100% guarantees to earn without any fears of loosing money as compared to other markets and unpredictable volatile market conditions.
Your Best
Investment Choice
The most pertinent and obvious question you might ask is "How exactly does this program work?"
The answer is actually extraordinarily simple and will prove to be a MASSIVE BANKER for every single ACTIVE Member! provides an extremely powerful technology & an active platform,
which you MUST make it perform to it’s full capability & efficiency that would ensure your
100% Guaranteed Returns ... receive faster & bigger payouts week after week.


It is highly recommended that you make
25-125 plus more invests and as everyone down the line does just that, imagine you get 1000's of payments pouring into your account.

This powerful patented technology locks 'Top Spots' of the total matrix systems (not your downline) & continuing with 100's of investors making Bulk Investments, ensures your earnings on a much faster track!
This is beyond any conventional system, whereby you get ... paid faster & bigger amounts!
Why Wait Get Started ….
ACID TEST our system… you'll instantly notice getting...
paid in real time!

As you continue with Solo, Multi or Bulk$$$ Invest you get paid instantly in 'Real Time', and also as your downline members continues with investments.
Q. What is Bulk Investment & how does it makes a difference ?
A. This is a special investment opportunity that locks 'Top Position' in our Total Matrix (not the downline of any particular investor or yours) and since we have members / investors who are continuously making Bulk Investments, it will gradually keep filling the ‘Total Matrix’, to enjoy enjoy automated payouts.... without a downline requirement,
Please check how to earn more at My Money!

. Made a Multi / Bulk Invest & it does not show on my Status page
A. YES! It takes approximately 10-45 minutes to reflect on your 'Status' page as the transaction is
processed live on our servers.

Can I get my Membership or Invest Amounts Refund at anytime?
A. NO! Refunds are never issued for this opportunity. Once you have paid your invest amount, it is
actually paid to your upline. Hence we have no way to get that payment back.

Q. How do I pay to invest in 'Virtual Stocks'.
A. At this moment we have two payment options available and we are likely to add more in the near future.
And in both the cases you need to fund your NetPennyStocks a/c with either or both to start investing.

You can use AlertPay as a direct payment system and to some it offers a Tax-Free Banking & Debit Card
* Please check at AlertPay official site for more details.

We have negotiated with some of the ecommerce sites whereby you can buy products & services at much
cheaper prices & in addition to which they issue Free Credits as an additional bonus for your purchases.
You can use these 'Free Credits' to invest with & in turn earn

Q. Where do I look for my referral affiliate url?
1. You can opt to promote your individual Invest Affiliate URL that's not performing well, by simply going to your
‘STATUS’ page and click the respective “Affiliate’ icon on that's placed right of every investment. Simply click, select
the landing page & submit, it will bring you back to ‘STATUS’ page with Invest Affiliate URL.
2. And the second option is go to ‘AFFILIATE’ page that gives links, including Banner scripts

Monday, September 13, 2010


What is CashGopher and how does it work?
CashGopher is a website that empowers users to "let your computer work for you" and earn money by installing our downloadable software.
CashGopher is extremely simple to use. You download and install the software, use your computer as you normally would, and make money while doing nothing.
This probably sounds too good to be true, right? Well, here's the catch.
While your computer is otherwise idle, CashGopher will at times perform various online "chores" and send the results of those chores back to the "Mother Gopher", if you will. Think of the Mother Gopher as a huge computer that stores the results of all the chores performed by all of the CashGophers running around the world.
Companies are willing to pay us for the right to harness the vast computing power that CashGopher provides, and we, in turn, pay a portion of that money to each of you.
Are you starting to see how this could work???
In addition, advertisers are willing to pay us for the right to serve targeted advertisements to everybody who's running the CashGopher software. You see advertisements all the time while browsing the internet, right? Websites make billions of dollars a year serving you advertisements, and you get nothing in return. We figured you might want a piece of that pie. So we, in turn, pay a portion of our advertising revenues back to you.
All of your earnings are collected in your CashGopher account. In general, the more you leave your computer powered on and hooked up to the internet (the CashGopher needs to talk to the Mother Gopher, after all) and the more you use the internet yourself, the more money you will see accumulate in your CashGopher account. Simply login at CashGopher with your email address and password that you chose upon installation to see your earnings.
Once you have accumulated at least $10 in your CashGopher account, you are eligible to receive your account balance paid out via Paypal.
It's that simple!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Mandura Products and Opportunity



ONE LINE. ONE TEAM. ONE VISION.Mandura Compensation Plan

In relationship marketing, typically the representatives, distributors or members are simply assets to the company, and only a small percentage of those involved reap significant benefits for their hard work. At Mandura, we have specifically chosen the title Independent Business Owner (IBO) for those involved in selling our product. IBOs are not merely an asset to Mandura, they are why Mandura exists. We were determined to create a compensation plan that favors the success of the IBO.
Mandura is the first company ever to implement a compensation plan called the Straight Line Forced Matrix. With this revolutionary plan, once an individual enrolls as a Mandura IBO, any IBO that enrolls after them will fall into their organization, regardless of who personally sponsored the new IBO. At Mandura, we want you to understand where the commissions are going.
By knowing this, you will have the best opportunity possible to become successful with this amazing product.  The Mandura compensation plan has been designed to enable the IBO to have more income than expenses. How much?
That is completely up to you! Our goal is to do our absolute best to prepare you to be successful.
With the Mandura Straight Line Forced Matrix compensation plan, we have designed seven different ways for you to earn income and prosper in this exceptional opportunity.

30 Ways to Receive Income:

1.  Retail Sales QV ( 50% )

For every individual that signs up to purchase MANDURA as a retail customer, you as their enrolling IBO, will receive $20 for two cases, $10 for one case, $5 for two bottles and $2.50 for each bottle. All retail sales count as Qualifying Volume (QV), and there are no limits to the number of retail sales you can make. Also, as an IBO, you can purchase MANDURA at wholesale and personally sell it retail.
In order to be eligible for this commission, your retail customer must purchase MANDURA directly from the official MANDURA website. You will need to track any sales that are not made through the website for your own tax purposes.
To receive retail commission, you must be active and enrolled as an IBO in good standing with MANDURA.

2. Group Volume Bonuses GV ( 50%)

To further reward our leaders personal efforts, we have created monthly Group Volume Bonuses.
There are no limits to the number of IBO’s that you can personally enroll. Please see the charts below for more details.
To receive this commission, you must be active and enrolled as an IBO in good standing with MANDURA.

3. Builder Bonuses BB ($40-$100)

For every IBO that enrolls for a 3, 5, 7, or 10 Case Builder Package, we will pay $40, $60, $80, or $100 to the 1st and 2nd Qualified Builders respectively, regardless of depth.  We will also pay a 1st Generation Bonus. This 1st Generation Bonus could be in addition to the 1st month Builder Bonus if you are Qualified to the receive both bonuses. This Bonus will be paid out in this manner for the the first month.
Any additional months that a Builder Package is purchased it will be paid through the current 8 generation Group Volume Bonus structure.  Please see chart on page 5 for more details.  There are no limits to the number of IBOs you can personally enroll on a Builder Package, and the Builder Bonus is paid for unlimited levels to the first 2 Qualified Builders.
In order to be eligible to receive the Builder Bonuses, you must maintain at least 248 QV. Also, you must be active and enrolled as an IBO in good standing with Mandura™.

4.    Team Volume Bonuses  TV (20%)

(20% of Total Company Revenues paid in 20 separate 1% Pools)
When you enroll as an IBO with MANDURA™, you will be assigned an IBO number. For example, 90523001 stands for 9=YR 05=Month 23=Day and 001=Order of the Day. MANDURA™ is the first company to ever use a revolutionary compensation plan called a Straight Line Forced Matrix. With this compensation plan, every IBO that enrolls with MANDURA™ after you will automatically be placed in your organization and count towards your Team Volume (TV), regardless of who personally enrolled the new IBO. For example, when MANDURA™ ships 100,000 cases per month, the total revenue would be approximately $10,000,000 per month. Each 1% pool would be worth $100,000 and would be divided by the number of IBOs that have achieved that specific rank. Using this example, if you are qualified as a Sapphire Crown you would share in 9 separate $100,000 pools. Using this same example, if you were qualified as a Grand Imperial Crown, you would share in 15 separate $100,000 pools.
In order to qualify for a specific rank, you must be active and reach the required GV & TV per rank. To receive revenue, you must be active and
enrolled as an IBO in good standing with MANDURA™.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Money to burn - Or burning through your money?

Wallet got a hole in it?

Rat been in your piggy bank?

Gremlin cleaned out your bank account?

Paycheck been through the shredder?

Ready for a CHANGE?

2X1Xtreme just opened for pre-launch.

We built it for dedicated hard working people who strive to step up the ladder.

Its a system, almost a machine. It works best if you do. If you dont, it will still work for you.

And its open NOW!!

Interested? Click the link.

Join TODAY! - Enjoy SUCCESS! - Change your LIFE!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tweet Traffic Rush!

You might have noticed that Twitter is the biggest news on
the internet now. With some hundreds of thousands of new
people joining Twitter each day, it is emerging as one of the
largest and fastest growing social networking sites at this time.

As there are millions of people joining up to and logging
into Twitter everyday, Twitter turns out a bigger and better
opportunity to get you loads of targeted traffic to your website.

Though you can access millions of people on Twitter, you will
need to work aptly in reaching out to them correctly. Here is
where Tweet Traffic Rush can help you out.

Tweet Traffic Rush is the easiest, fastest and most efficient
way to get a flood of laser targeted visitors to your site
through Twitter and this is... Absolutely FREE!

With Tweet Traffic Rush, you will be able to use Twitter to
spread your marketing messages virally and work in creating
an Avalanche of FREE Targeted Traffic to Your Website in a
very short time.

And how it works?

All you do is sign up for a free account. Then you will need to
add your twitter username in an appropriate category so as to
get a tiny piece of widget code. And once you add this widget
code to your websites, blogs or social networking sites, you'll
start getting more targeted visitors to your site.

If you are tired of and feel difficulty in spreading your marketing
messages across the net, can get you
thousands of visitors to your site on autopilot.

Click on the Banner and Create Your FREE Account NOW!! 

Tweet Traffic Rush!


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