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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

New Trading Platform Net Penny Stocks

 Discover the secrets of.Trade-in  or AutoInvest
that has made BILLIONS of Dollars for 1000's of people worldwide.  Best  part about it all, our  system will continue to make  Billions of Dollars
for the rest of your life!

EARN US $500 to $5,000 - daily - .depending our investments strategies, market conditions, volatility  and all out gains we make!

Growing Every Week,  Funds Paid Directly To Your  Account!. Access your funds worldwide via Offshore ATM Debit Cards or wire funds direct to your Bank a/c 
Daily Payouts!
Affordable - 1¢ STOCKS
AutoInvest  15 - 20 shares online is a breeze...  cost
   each your net  investment !
   GAIN  2,975%   
        Earn  US$500 ~ 5,000    Funds are automatically
           transferred to your account - 24 hours a day 7 days
           a week
-  access your funds worldwide.
        You are 100% safe, whether the markets moves Up
           or Down -  You have only to gain, nothing to loose!
   Simple & Easy!

Q. Who can participate?
A. The Membership is FREE! We accept members from all over the world,
irrespective of their citizenship or income.

. NetPennyStocks - is it some kind of HYIP or FOREX / STOCKS Trading site?

A. Absolutely NOT! This is neither a Trading nor a HYIP site. Though we term it as a Virtual Stocks, that is
the moment you invest you lock in your position into our 3x12 matrix to earn residual income through our
continually growing downline of ongoing investors - and numerous bulk investments.
Q. YES! What are 'Virtual Shares' & why your site looks like a Trading webpage anyway?
A. We all have burned our fingers trading Forex & Stocks, or simply put, it's just 'Greek' for most of us though,
hence we decided to have Virtual Shares feels like a trading site, yet incorporating a powerful 3x12 matrix
into our system.
AutoInvest +Promote: Earn Money!
Surprisingly it is NOT the
members, ... that
makes your downline....

It's yours & your downline members
multi - investments that makes
your downline & levels!

This is totally a new concept whereby
your downline grows with investments...
and so does your passive income!

get paid bigger amounts.
This is Guaranteed To Appeal
everyday people
to -
Enjoy a
Get Your Shares
. Weekly!
Level 3x12 COM Amount
1 3 0.10 0.30
2 9 0.10 0.90
3 27 0.10 2.70
4 81 0.05 4.05
5 243 0.05 12.15
6 729 0.05 36.45
7 2187 0.10 218.70
8 6561 0.05 328.05
9 19683 0.05 984.15
10 59049 0.05 2,952.45
11 177147 0.10 17,714.70
12 531441 0.15 79,716.15

US$ 101,970.75
Our patented technology 100% guarantees to earn without any fears of loosing money as compared to other markets and unpredictable volatile market conditions.
Your Best
Investment Choice
The most pertinent and obvious question you might ask is "How exactly does this program work?"
The answer is actually extraordinarily simple and will prove to be a MASSIVE BANKER for every single ACTIVE Member! provides an extremely powerful technology & an active platform,
which you MUST make it perform to it’s full capability & efficiency that would ensure your
100% Guaranteed Returns ... receive faster & bigger payouts week after week.


It is highly recommended that you make
25-125 plus more invests and as everyone down the line does just that, imagine you get 1000's of payments pouring into your account.

This powerful patented technology locks 'Top Spots' of the total matrix systems (not your downline) & continuing with 100's of investors making Bulk Investments, ensures your earnings on a much faster track!
This is beyond any conventional system, whereby you get ... paid faster & bigger amounts!
Why Wait Get Started ….
ACID TEST our system… you'll instantly notice getting...
paid in real time!

As you continue with Solo, Multi or Bulk$$$ Invest you get paid instantly in 'Real Time', and also as your downline members continues with investments.
Q. What is Bulk Investment & how does it makes a difference ?
A. This is a special investment opportunity that locks 'Top Position' in our Total Matrix (not the downline of any particular investor or yours) and since we have members / investors who are continuously making Bulk Investments, it will gradually keep filling the ‘Total Matrix’, to enjoy enjoy automated payouts.... without a downline requirement,
Please check how to earn more at My Money!

. Made a Multi / Bulk Invest & it does not show on my Status page
A. YES! It takes approximately 10-45 minutes to reflect on your 'Status' page as the transaction is
processed live on our servers.

Can I get my Membership or Invest Amounts Refund at anytime?
A. NO! Refunds are never issued for this opportunity. Once you have paid your invest amount, it is
actually paid to your upline. Hence we have no way to get that payment back.

Q. How do I pay to invest in 'Virtual Stocks'.
A. At this moment we have two payment options available and we are likely to add more in the near future.
And in both the cases you need to fund your NetPennyStocks a/c with either or both to start investing.

You can use AlertPay as a direct payment system and to some it offers a Tax-Free Banking & Debit Card
* Please check at AlertPay official site for more details.

We have negotiated with some of the ecommerce sites whereby you can buy products & services at much
cheaper prices & in addition to which they issue Free Credits as an additional bonus for your purchases.
You can use these 'Free Credits' to invest with & in turn earn

Q. Where do I look for my referral affiliate url?
1. You can opt to promote your individual Invest Affiliate URL that's not performing well, by simply going to your
‘STATUS’ page and click the respective “Affiliate’ icon on that's placed right of every investment. Simply click, select
the landing page & submit, it will bring you back to ‘STATUS’ page with Invest Affiliate URL.
2. And the second option is go to ‘AFFILIATE’ page that gives links, including Banner scripts

Monday, September 13, 2010


What is CashGopher and how does it work?
CashGopher is a website that empowers users to "let your computer work for you" and earn money by installing our downloadable software.
CashGopher is extremely simple to use. You download and install the software, use your computer as you normally would, and make money while doing nothing.
This probably sounds too good to be true, right? Well, here's the catch.
While your computer is otherwise idle, CashGopher will at times perform various online "chores" and send the results of those chores back to the "Mother Gopher", if you will. Think of the Mother Gopher as a huge computer that stores the results of all the chores performed by all of the CashGophers running around the world.
Companies are willing to pay us for the right to harness the vast computing power that CashGopher provides, and we, in turn, pay a portion of that money to each of you.
Are you starting to see how this could work???
In addition, advertisers are willing to pay us for the right to serve targeted advertisements to everybody who's running the CashGopher software. You see advertisements all the time while browsing the internet, right? Websites make billions of dollars a year serving you advertisements, and you get nothing in return. We figured you might want a piece of that pie. So we, in turn, pay a portion of our advertising revenues back to you.
All of your earnings are collected in your CashGopher account. In general, the more you leave your computer powered on and hooked up to the internet (the CashGopher needs to talk to the Mother Gopher, after all) and the more you use the internet yourself, the more money you will see accumulate in your CashGopher account. Simply login at CashGopher with your email address and password that you chose upon installation to see your earnings.
Once you have accumulated at least $10 in your CashGopher account, you are eligible to receive your account balance paid out via Paypal.
It's that simple!


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